Meet our team

As soon as your loved one becomes a Blue Arrow Care client, they become part of the Blue Arrow family.

Lucy Towler-Challis

Managing Director & Registered Care Manager

Lucy founded Blue Arrow Care in 2015 with her mother Alexandra. At the time Lucy was the youngest Registered Manager to ever be registered with the Care Quality Commission at only 20 years old.

Lucy has worked in care since she was 16. Blue Arrow was founded in honour of her grandmother Susan who suffered from Huntington’s disease and was ill her whole life, Lucy witnessed community care from a young age and her Nan inspired her into the care industry. Lucy says “ My Nan was my life, Everything Blue Arrow delivers & achieves is in her honour and now sadly in her memory after we lost her in 2020.

Lucy over sees the day to day running of Blue Arrow working alongside our Senior Team, carers, clients, families, social workers and so many other people. Blue Arrow has been built to be a strong, resilient & reliable service that goes above and beyond for anyone who is part of our service. We treat clients as if we are looking after our own families, carers also must have this same attitude to be working within our organisation.

“I have a clear vision on what I need & want our team to deliver, I needed a team that was inspired by Blue Arrows vision not just paid to deliver it”.

Fun Fact about Lucy

Lucy’s is an avid Arsenal Fan. Lucy & Her Wife also have 8 horses Blue, Titch, Dave, Rodney, Trigger, Tom, Harvey & Dooley. They also co-parent DJ (Dudley Junior) with their good friends Hayley & Alex who rescued him in 2021. Lucy & Phaedra also have 3 sausage dogs Rolo, Munchie & Crunchie to keep them busy.

Favourite life motto

“You won’t be remembered for what you have or the status you have, you will be remembered for the genuine compassion and kindness you showed to those who needed it most”

In a world where you can be anything, Be kind.

Clare Denny

Care Manager

Rhonda Frost

Care Manager – Elmbridge

Rhonda joined us as a carer in 2020 in the middle of the pandemic. Rhonda was a very popular carer who went above and beyond. Rhonda is described by clients as strong & committed.

Rhonda was promoted in 2022, She brings a bit of “old fashioned” into our service. This was vital with such a young team. Rhonda oversees the day-to-day running’s of our Elmbridge patch; she also delivers care day to day as we did not want to lose Rhonda within the community. Rhonda is extremely hands on and says I’ll never ask someone to do something I would not do myself!

Rhonda deals with care planning, on call as well as juggling 12 other things, this is a talent you need to have with this job Rhonda jokes.

“I love what I do, its an honour to care for our older generations and its so lovely to hear all of their wonderful stories about their lives I really do have so much respect for them all”

Fun fact about Rhonda

I am a dour Scot with a humour bypass

Favourite life motto

“I try to be the rainbow on a rainy day”

Donna Turner

Care Manager

Charlotte Taylor

Field Care Supervisor, Richmond Upon Thames & Elmbridge

Charlotte Joined us as a carer in 2018. After maternity leave Charlotte returned to childcare however, she said her heart belonged in care and returned in 2021. Charlotte was promoted to a Supervisor in 2022 as part of a team re-structure. Charlotte is a reliable kind person who is popular amongst clients.

Charlotte still delivers care in the field as well as on call, care plans and much more. Charlotte supports the care managers in Richmond & Elmbridge and covers calls across all boroughs when the chips are down meaning she builds good relationships with all clients.

Fun fact about Charlotte

I am a keen runner and I still love to run after a 14-hour shift!

Favourite life motto

“Dreams don’t work unless you do”

Louise Davey

Care Co-Ordinator

Louise joined blue arrow at one 17 years old as a carer, Louise has worked with us for 3 years and worked her way up to work in the office.

Louise takes calls from clients, families, hospitals and so many others as well as dealing with our great system Birdie dealing with any Concerns, reporting issues to District nurses and so much more.

Louise is a strong and confident individual who works really well within our office, having experience in the field makes her relatable to staff and she brings invaluable support to the office day to day.

Fun fact about Louise

Louise loves to play video games in her spare time & rumour has it is the life and soul of every party she attends

Favourite life motto

“It’s not about going to a party, it’s about being the life of the party.”

Ann Challis

Head of Audits & Medication

Ann joined us in 2022 and is in charge of overseeing all medication inputs within our electronic systems. Ann audits all of the medication and picks up any errors and deals with them!

Ann is a one of the most organised members of Blue Arrows Team. She jokes ” I am that person that send out completed medication audits at 1am to ensure they are delivered way before the deadline, to my surprise one night at 3am I got a message back from Lucy saying “Thanks your now officially part of the after-midnight work club”

Ann works remotely and her background is in customer service & management.

Fun fact about Ann

I had 2 children when I was 30 and they are not twins!

Favourite life motto

“We can’t change the past, Look to the future”


Our Therapy Dog

The ‘son’ of Pheadra and Lucy – Rolo brings the upmost joy to our office as well as going out into the community spreading joy to clients.

When not being looked after by Nanny they are running riot around the office building.

Rolo especially has built good relationships with everyone and its clear he is the leader of the pack.

Fun fact about Rolo

I am originally from Ireland and I also have 2 mums!

Favourite life motto

“Show your dog parents the same unconditional love they show you.”

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